Analysis norm stratum of poetry, used to know all the elements (phenomena) which is contained in literature.
A literary work consists of various strata (layers) norm. Each layer norm norms cause underneath. Rene Welek (1968: 151), the analysis revealed novel Ingarden, Polish philosopher, dibukunya Das Literarische Kunstwerk (1931). He analyzes norms as follows:
A. Layers of sound (sound stratum), in this layer contained a series of sounds is limited interval, the pressure of tone, tempo, etc..
B. Layers of meaning (unitsof meaning), which form a series of phonemes, syllables, phrases and sentences. Sentences to form paragraphs, chapters, and the whole story.
C. Third Layer:
a. Background (place, time, and atmosphere),
b. Actors,
c. Objects which noted,
d. World authors in the form of paintings or the story writer.
D. Fourth-tier, layered world that do not have declared or proposed, but it was implicit.
E. Lapis fifth, metaphysical layer that causes the reader to contemplate.
Roman Ingarden left two layers of norms, which, according to Welek can be inserted into the third tier, while the two layers of these norms are as follows:
a. Lapis world, contained therein implied, it means an event in the literature can be raised or otherwise heard or seen.
b. Lapis metaphysical, which form the sublime metaphysical nature (tragic, frightening and horrible, and the sacred)
Poetry analysis can be done by considering:
A. Structure
B. Element
C. Type / variety
D. Historical
Analysis of poems based on elements to include:
a. Emotion,
b. Ideas,
c. Imagination,
d. Thought,
e. Nada,
f. Rhythm,
g. Imajeri,
h. Wording,
i. The words metaphorically,
j. Density,
k. And feeling muddle.
To achieve kepuitisan a poem can use:
A. Visual form (typography)
B. The composition of the temple
C. Sound: poetry, asonansi, alliteration, metaphor sound, symbol sense, and orchestration
D. Diction (choice of words)
E. Figurative language
F. Facilities rhetoric,
G. Grammatical elements,
H. Language style, etc..
Literary work is a system of signs which have meaning. Each of these phenomena (elements) has an meaning of literary works (meaning). By using norms and strata strata semiotics in the analysis, it will get full meaning and can be understood as a poetic work of art (aesthetic).
Analysis norm strata associated with the semiotic and aesthetic functions, are as follows:
music orchestration: efoni (sonority and regular: B, D, G, J) and kakafoni / Cacophony (croak, not good to hear, not regular: K, P, Q, S); Combination vocals and certain consonants (alliteration and asonansi).
• efoni (sonority and regular: B, D, G, J), usually the sound of this type is used to describe the feelings of tenderness, affection or love and things that are encouraging. Examples of the poem "THERE ARRIVAL TILGRAM SUNSET."
• kakafoni / Cacophony (croak, not good to hear, not regular: K, P, Q, S), sound is used to strengthen the atmosphere of an unpleasant, irregular paced even heartbreaking. Examples of the poem "Sodom and GOMORRHA."
Symbols sound: onomatope, figurative voice, and a symbol of taste.
Poem: early, middle, deep, and the final.
"Including speech sound is also a rhythm, Metrum, and Rhythm."
Words. Discussion words include: vocabulary, elements and aspects ketata bahasaan, connotative and denotative problem, choice of words (diction), figurative language (figurative language): (Comparison / metaphor / simile, metaphor, parable epic / epic simile, allegorical, personification, Metonimia , and sinekdoki / synecdokhe). imagery (imajeri), the means of rhetoric, sentence style, and style of rhyme.
Rhythm closely with sound. Rhythm "Rhythm." (Ing); "Rhytme." (Pr); from the Greek word "Reo." Rhythm is the turn of the dipping and rising, long-short, hard and soft speech sounds of language change on a regular basis.
Rhythm split into two, namely metrum and rhythm.
• Metrum: rhythm is fixed, meaning that the turn of the sound has been fixed, according to certain patterns caused by a fixed number of syllables and the emphasis remains, to swell the rising and declining voice was still.
• Rhythm: the rhythm that caused high sound disagreement or low turnover on a regular basis, but not a fixed number of syllables, but only the echo of the poet sang alone.
Djoko Pradopo, Rachmat. 2000. Poetry Review. Gajah Mada University Press: Yogyakarta
0leh: Sopyan Hardyansyah
Prodi Bahasa Indonesia and Regional Literature
Semester Two
Nim: B1C100084
Work: WING Kardjo
Where to go
Seeking sun
When it snows
Trees lose leaves
Where road
Seeking shelter
When the body was soaking
And the door closed
Where to go run
Looking for embers
When the embers hearts
Off does not mean
Where to go
In addition to washing away
The poem "Snow" by Wing Kadjo, a poetry-themed 'loss that creates expectations', - hope to repent and seek forgiveness themselves. Search the hope and forgiveness that can be described in verse: / Where to go / look for the sun /. Lirikaku middle figure out how to find a place that can mengayominya. While the 'sun', is a shining symbol of hope which ideally citakannya; that could have a future, happiness, and success lirikaku. / When it snows / Trees lose leaves. The lyrics explain that middle lirikaku helpless with no destiny fate; fate is not good, and lirikaku is receiving trials. 'When it snows,' Symbols of snow, a symbol of bad luck, lack of luck, and trials. Referring to the theory Wellek, regarding the 'layers of the world' the word "snow", has a sense of cool objects, if associated with the existing realities of the wild universe.
Waning enthusiasm, motivation, and self-power 'akulirik', implicit in the lyrics / When it snows / Trees lose leaves. When it comes his trial from God, akulirik gradually feel the spirit, motivation, and his power faded. / Where the road / Searching for shelter /. Akulirik the lyrics are seeking refuge for themselves, which created a 'power evokasi', that akulirik helpless - so he sought refuge as a resting place for her inner distress. Akulirik have sin against what and who, - when akulirik have the desire to repent, as if the door has been closed taubatnya for himself. It can be described poet in the lyrics: / When the body was soaking / And the door is closed / /. However, akulirik not give up his situation - he kept thinking to find and try, consider the following lyrics: / Where to go run away / Looking embers / / When the coals of the heart / Off does not mean / /. Based on the subject, the subject matter you want to put forward a poet through his poetry (the subject matter), keep trying to find lighting lirikaku liver (guidance), as an effort of his sincerity in seeking God's hope and forgiveness from Him. -That seemed to light his heart when it has foundered because of sin covered.
Use croak, not good to hear, and irregular 'K, P, Q, S', reinforcing the atmosphere of an unpleasant, irregular paced even heartbreaking. The use of the sound seems to lyrics-the lyrics: / Where to go / Finding the Sun / When it snows / Trees lose leaves / /. / Where the road / Searching for shelter / When the body was soaking / And the door is closed / /. / Where to go run away / Looking embers / When the embers hearts / Off does not mean / /. / Where to go / In addition to wash herself / /.
The dominance of the use of vocal 'a and u' makes the poem "Snow", written by Wing Kardjo - feel heavier and lower. Example: / When it snows / Trees lose leaves / /. / Where the road / Searching for shelter / When the body was soaking / And the door is closed / /.
"Snow", written by Wing Kardjo does not directly express the context of meaning into the idea or the idea of the poet. This caused the selection of connotative diction made by the poet. The use of connotative words can we feel from the symbols to represent the subject matternya dipergunakannya. The symbols are as follows: the sun (hope and divine light), snow (calamity or disaster), trees lose leaves (a condition that occurs in the poet), soaking (covered in sin), the door is closed (no hope), coal fire (drive or motivator), embers of the heart (spirit), and wash away (repent).
Work: Sopyan Hardyansyah
Prodi Bahasa Indonesia and Regional Literature
Nim: B1C100084
I want to fly into the cloud
With the power, 'my wings kepakkan
Kepakkan had high utopian
But, 'my pace tahapkan
Sometimes stumbling stone
so bloody wound
let his blood flow like water
let accommodated all basin
cloud red blood
vibrant, beautiful color eye
great is not it??!
My blood flowed over my injuries ....
Let sonny
You are still young
Only a flaming fire
Medium body was young
Tegaklah, rengkuhkan head
Only a flaming fire son
Capture, make heritage
Rawat sonny, make consolation
An heirloom from the arc
Dagger dangle JASMINE
My fire and a stick save
pulse in cardiac muscle
I'll merge all
have attached all
jampi loving self
let dagger, fragrant smell of jasmine
dagger, dagger oh
hearts bathed in water
do not let the occasional sharp ...
After a fight I'm with her dog man
Yesterday afternoon and that it is a bow-wow
No strong feeling of my ear so ambiguous
Medium respect for inviting master
And polosku my ears and my heart is sick say with barking
Do not know where the name-where the dog is still barking
If you knew me before, never will I open the door,,,
The problem is,
The problem is, until now my pain lasting
The problem is real fine dironsenpun
But really I feel sick
Already I asked the shaman and healer
Miraculously, he said the medicine available to it
People sing, that's normal
But, to me would seem not normal
Gendingku grabbed all the horrible atmosphere
People flock, was I do not care
More here seems definitely
I was so concerned why
Though it is common iyanya disekolahku
As a sign of potential talent
However, very different here
People flock, back and forth either way.
I wait for thee
Along the edge of my snooze kantil
For beetle king smells inviting
In penantianku, beautiful clean atmosphere
No one in the dust when it landed,
Unfortunately it rained outside Letting, offering fresh
Cold days after the rain until the evening again
Oh I pick tone
With alunmu, gentle so sweet
Would not have been entered into my soul
Any soft tones so melancholy
But for what I yammer
You think I'm blind, so deaf
Not the water that I desire
I'm not thirsty
Each time the heart was covered
What a no terperi
Inflamed still later I stopped crashing
I'm not an animal host, refused to enter the abyss
I'll tip you at the gate, later
Of course if you do not ever come back.
Beautiful true I admit
Let fresh and meluka
But I'm happy happy
Let my heart in gonyok, I must understand the concept of appreciation
Let my pen no golden throne
But this is creativity, work and intention
I will not shy
After all, who knows,
Someday I made the play director,
To become a major player
Although like crazy but I'm not wandering
Never mind
Instead I haturkan thanks, Hari
Because I'm sure later I brought the director plays
Later if so sue me well, because your name memangpang
And I'm glad you sue
Later I came, I said later on the phone
I hurry and just bring a pen only
Eventually we met and I'm a signature on your brow.
An individual must exist in his world. Last sentence is a sentence that is not excessive for a person keproporsionalan demands in her work, with the aim of an individual will be in accordance with the status and role of prey. Terrible indeed if an individual holds a particular status and role but there is absolutely no association in a real environment. The low motivation of the self might be the source of the problem. Environments that do not support, facilities and infrastructure that are not available, economic limitations, and other problems are the factors that cause low levels of motivation and interest from outside the individual. Actually this issue can be resolved, if the inter-community members are sensitive to the surrounding environment. Perekomendasiannya maybe we should go back to the culture of kinship (brotherhood). On the cultural pattern of this kinship between one community and other community members will each control condition, with no egos and political importance of each, in addition to the distortion-prilakupun behavior can be controlled socially.
Often we measure happiness with the acquisition of abundant material, so that we continue to try and think how to arrive at that goal. Maybe for parents, not rarely spend time at work, the completion of work tired, and then went to bed. Medium activity children rarely receive attention from both parents, if parents are concerned with the activities of his son then at least he will ask the question: how was school?, Or material of what was in school?. Usually for parents with type indifferent to child's activity, will only encourage their children to go forward with sufficient finances alone. Thus, parents seem to function only as a donor. Thus a child will usually not satisfied with the subject in such circumstances, so as to satisfy keinginanya children should seek experience outside, with unknown consequences to him. However, every parents always expect goodness to her son.
A child who is looking for experiences outside of always trying to find his true identity. So many relasipun he establishes with anyone he knew. In essence the identity of a child that would be obtained by way of socializing, which starts from the stage of identifying the (duplicate), play a role, and ready to act. When on the socialization process that identified pigur considered good to be imitated, then no doubt the child will imitate him, without thinking of it - indeed the child has not developed ways of thinking and still in a state of emotional instability. Therefore, the family as the primary medium of socialization for children, are expected to have extra power to introduce the status, role, values and norms that exist in society, thus indirectly kepribadianpun taught him. Thus the child has received his first lesson in family environment.
Landing of children who used the word "dog" to a friend sepermainannya, he did not feel himself guilty, even he thought it was perfectly natural, for reasons already familiar and close friendship. But when viewed in terms of values and norms such things unnatural existence, meaning has been doing deviation values, norms, and morals and ethics can even be said tatakramanya less.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the professionalism one can be achieved through a process of socialization since childhood. The socialization is a process of forming one's personality; This success can be seen from how an individual carries the status and he assumed the role well, with full responsibility, proportions, and proportional, with no override-value rules, norms, ethics and manners.
14/05/2011, I received a short message from my old friend. Contents like this: there are 3 errors in your story
1. A marvelous laki2 MNE ade seleranye lowly mskpn he matrealistis
2. Ne2k dmana2 old dach also wrote lgi knp d old.
3. Maybe the laki2 was not rich, tp same like you
That's the short message I received from the mobile phone number +628992652 xxx, 05.14.2011 13:16. Before I send it a message anecdotes about it like this:
A handsome man's nephew, but he matrealistis. While there is an old granny, but she was rich. Then marry the two. After enjoying the first night of handsome men died, with a foaming mouth. After examination by the public hospitals (general hospitals), the handsome man died of poisoning after drinking milk that has expired grandmother.
A critique is an independent appraisal done by anyone. The assessment is based on knowledge and science. So legitimate for anyone to assess, respond, and critiquing. However, although still in an assessment: the calculation of the merits of things, must be based on ethics and morals. Actually when a critic to criticize, no other he was stripped of knowledge and science. When viewed objectively, true that in my writing too much to waste words, so that there is a possibility of information and the message I would like to become blurred its meaning, - or even not understood at all the content and meaning contained in these anecdotes. As proof of analytical writing that you try to tilt my writings, especially on the word "an old granny, but she was rich." Perhaps in the context of the paradigm of a critic of the word "grandma" have been able to represent that person has aged. Unlike the case with my writing "an old granny." At first I tried wherever possible to visualize a grandmother who has aged and stooped. So hopefully will be reflected in accordance with the real picture in the nature of mimesis. I Establishment of such a theory is supported by the mimetic criticism. According to Abrams, "critics of this type sees literature as an imitation of nature aspects. Literature is a reflection or depiction of the living world. "And should a literary work must be described through the medium of language, for the work aesthetically. So expect the meaning and the information submitted by the author about it until the reader, while if a writer can not depict real life in the media language, then that will happen will only deliver the results of his writings on the complexity of meaning and did not rule out the results of his work will be in vain mere. Let the reader identify the information content and the message delivered author, meaning he was yet dark, can not be interpreted as a lack of pembendaharaan word on the author to represent ideas, feelings experienced by the author.
It would be wonderful if literary criticism is that the objects in the critics (literature), and of course I should have to appreciate criticism, even though literary criticism is subjective in nature (do not see the work, but who is writing), but with it would mengkritisipun I was grateful, I mean literature in the value of others. Who we know that the value that has meaning, something good, beautiful and ideally people. Really good people judge my literary works, because he is my honest value, as it is, critical and I am holding up a thumb for it.
I say thank you, and that criticism was a builder and mental motivation for me to continue working.
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