0leh: Sopyan Hardyansyah
Prodi language of Indonesia and Regional Literature
Semester Two
Nim: B1C100084
Work: WING Kardjo
Where to go
Seeking sun
When it snows
Trees lose leaves
Where road
Seeking shelter
When the body was soaking
And the door closed
Where to go run
Looking for embers
When the embers hearts
Off does not mean
Where to go
In addition to washing away
The poem "Snow" by Wing Kadjo, a poetry-themed 'loss that creates expectations', - hope to repent and seek forgiveness themselves. Search the hope and forgiveness that can be described in verse: / Where to go / look for the sun /. Lirikaku middle figure out how to find a place that can mengayominya. While the 'sun', is a shining symbol of hope which ideally citakannya; that could have a future, happiness, and success lirikaku. / When it snows / Trees lose leaves. The lyrics explain that middle lirikaku helpless with no destiny fate; fate is not good, and lirikaku is receiving trials. 'When it snows,' Symbols of snow, a symbol of bad luck, lack of luck, and trials. Referring to the theory Wellek, regarding the 'layers of the world' the word "snow", has a sense of cool objects, if associated with the existing realities of the wild universe.
Waning enthusiasm, motivation, and self-power 'akulirik', implicit in the lyrics / When it snows / Trees lose leaves. When it comes his trial from God, akulirik gradually feel the spirit, motivation, and his power faded. / Where the road / Searching for shelter /. Akulirik the lyrics are seeking refuge for themselves, which created a 'power evokasi', that akulirik helpless - so he sought refuge as a resting place for her inner distress. Akulirik have sin against what and who, - when akulirik have the desire to repent, as if the door has been closed taubatnya for himself. It can be described poet in the lyrics: / When the body was soaking / And the door is closed / /. However, akulirik not give up his situation - he kept thinking to find and try, consider the following lyrics: / Where to go run away / Looking embers / / When the coals of the heart / Off does not mean / /. Based on the subject, the subject matter you want to put forward a poet through his poetry (the subject matter), keep trying to find lighting lirikaku liver (guidance), as an effort of his sincerity in seeking God's hope and forgiveness from Him. -That seemed to light his heart when it has foundered because of sin covered.
Use croak, not good to hear, and irregular 'K, P, Q, S', reinforcing the atmosphere of an unpleasant, irregular paced even heartbreaking. The use of the sound seems to lyrics-the lyrics: / Where to go / Finding the Sun / When it snows / Trees lose leaves / /. / Where the road / Searching for shelter / When the body was soaking / And the door is closed / /. / Where to go run away / Looking embers / When the embers hearts / Off does not mean / /. / Where to go / In addition to wash herself / /.
The dominance of the use of vocal 'a and u' makes the poem "Snow", written by Wing Kardjo - feel heavier and lower. Example: / When it snows / Trees lose leaves / /. / Where the road / Searching for shelter / When the body was soaking / And the door is closed / /.
"Snow", written by Wing Kardjo does not directly express the context of meaning into the idea or the idea of the poet. This caused the selection of connotative diction made by the poet. The use of connotative words can we feel from the symbols to represent the subject matternya dipergunakannya. The symbols are as follows: the sun (hope and divine light), snow (calamity or disaster), trees lose leaves (a condition that occurs in the poet), soaking (covered in sin), the door is closed (no hope), coal fire (drive or motivator), embers of the heart (spirit), and wash away (repent).
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